Somatic Wisdom: A Journey through 7 Vital Body Segments

Apr 19, 2024

Greetings to all fellow seekers of healing and self-discovery,

When we’ve faced traumatic events or accidents in the past, our Autonomic Nervous System often activates a compassionate mechanism known as the high tone of the Dorsal Vagal Complex, inducing a freeze response. This typically results in fear or panic imploding within the body, hindering the expression and completion of the fight/flight response from the Sympathetic Nervous System. The body, in its wisdom, decides where to store this tension, forming fulcrums of tension.

The Reichian approach is a fantastic way to identify these blocks in the body and address primary emotions from the trauma vortex. To release these tensions, we employ elements like touch, breath, movement, sound, and emotional expression. This process can unlock energies stored in our bodies for decades, allowing the life force to flow through us, fostering more joy, happiness, and vitality.

Our bodies are mysterious and magical. In therapy, we explore the body from various perspectives—emotional, physical, psychosomatic, and energetic. This innovative approach to treating pain or trauma has its roots in the work of Wilhelm Reich, the father of body-oriented psychotherapy. Reich proposed the concept of orgone energy, a life force crucial for living organisms. He observed that “armoring” occurs when energy is bound by muscular contraction, impeding its flow through the body. Reich’s theory of segmental armoring describes seven segments where muscular tensions develop, each corresponding to the flow of life force in the body. This concept aligns with the Eastern philosophy of the 7 chakra system. Reich also introduced the idea of physical blocks visible in appearance, with overcharged and undercharged segments manifesting as atrophy in muscles and skin.

Identifying the seven main segments of body armoring, we will delve into the emotional expressions associated with each:

1. Ocular Segment (Location: Head):

The first segment encompasses the muscles of the eyes, forehead, cheeks, scalp, temples, and the occipital lobe (the center of vision in the brain). Emotional expressions associated with this segment include suspicion, amusement, contempt, detachment, guarding, fight, anger, and grief.

2. Oral Segment (Location: Face and Mouth):

Moving down to the face and mouth, the oral segment involves muscles such as the mouth, chin, nose, jaw, and ears. Emotional expressions tied to this segment range from contempt, disgust, and longing to desire, fear, pain, anger, connection, self-awareness, and presence.

3. Cervical Segment (Location: Neck and Tongue):

The third segment centers on the deep neck muscles and the tongue, along with its operational muscles. Emotional expressions associated with the cervical segment include self-pity, helplessness, longing, hurt, fear, pain, rage, freedom, creativity, and self-expression.

4. Thoracic Segment (Location: Chest and Heart):

Moving further down, the thoracic segment involves the intercostal muscles, large chest muscles (pectorals), shoulder muscles (deltoids), and the heart and lungs. Emotional expressions linked to this segment encompass deep heart feelings, grief, mourning, longing, love, fear, rage, anger, and joy.

5. Diaphragmatic Segment (Location: Diaphragm and Solar Plexus):

Centered around the diaphragm and solar plexus, the diaphragmatic segment influences emotional expressions related to pain and pleasure. The blocking of the diaphragm is significant, as it cuts the body in two, impeding sensing and feeling in the lower segments, including sexual feelings, excitation, rage, hate, terror, strength, and empowerment.

6. Abdominal Segment (Location: Abdomen and Lower Back):

The abdominal segment encompasses the large abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis), transversus abdominis, and the lower section of the muscles along the spine (latissimus dorsi and sacrospinalis). Emotional expressions tied to this segment include pain, fear, pleasure, trust, and feelings related to nourishment and being nourished, creating a sense of relaxation in the center.

7. Pelvic Segment (Location: Pelvis and Lower Extremities):

Finally, the pelvic segment involves almost all the muscles of the pelvis, including the genitals, urinary tract, buttocks (gluteus maximus), adductors and abductors in the thighs, hamstrings, and lower legs. This segment plays a crucial role in the overall bodily armoring, influencing emotional expressions associated with sexuality, power, and grounding.

In Biodynamic Breathwork, we systematically focus on releasing these belts of tension, moving from the top down. This process creates a pathway for repressed sexual energy to rise as it’s released, allowing it to flow freely. Energy, like water, seeks the path of least resistance. Clearing this pathway not only releases muscular constriction but also addresses emotional blockages, essentially facilitating trauma release.

With heartfelt compassion and dedication,

Nisarga Eryk Dobosz – BBTRS, BCST, CI, MER, LOMI

About Nisarga Eryk Dobosz:

Nisarga is an esteemed member of the BBTRS®️ faculty and holds expertise in Compassionate Inquiry, along with being a practitioner of Myofascial Energetic Release and Biodynamic Craniosacral techniques. His passion lies in global teaching and group facilitation. Nisarga reveres the human body as a sacred temple, advocating its treatment with the highest degree of respect and admiration. This philosophy underpins his work, resulting in a pinnacle of true craftsmanship rooted in a profound desire to comprehend and trust the body’s boundless potential for self-regulation and self-healing.

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